Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Hunt Began Christmas Day

So We were totally NOT looking for a New Home. Even though we always knew that a small Ranch with a nice yard was in the Future
We just moved into The Manor in April after months AND MONTHS of renovation...Even I did some heavy work-including refinishing floors.
I have NO Desire to go through a Move again-at least not so soon.
A couple of months ago, while scrolling through FaceBook, this cute little ranch showed up. Located in the next neighborhood from where I grew up. I KNOW the area, I was not a fan of the street it was located on. BUT, the house was cute.
We entertained the idea, went to look at it. It was not meant to be.
What it did have was a GREAT Yard that made Us realize that Our Puppies need a yard to run in.
I started browsing-only browsing-sites....

So, Zillow.com I started systematically going thru, forwarding the ones I like to Boobila. That was Monday. Tuesday I showed him 106 George St-I had already fallen IN LOVE with the yard. He called his friend who is a Real Estate Agent.
Thursday we looked at the house.
Friday we placed an offer.
Saturday after a little back and forth we had settled on a Price.